wedding Archivi - Core Eventi

Friday November 2nd, 2018

(Italiano) Matrimoni: “Tartan sposa il country chic”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian.
Thursday February 9th, 2017

Corso di Floral Design per il mercato del lusso!

  Scheda Corso Nome corso: FLORAL & WEDDING Area di riferimento:  mercato del lusso Data: 25-26-27 Marzo 2017 Luogo: Palazzo Biscari Catania. Docenti: Imma Rescigno, Rosario […]
Saturday September 10th, 2016

Segui: #docricorelove2016

Dai banchi di scuola all’ altare: Domenico e Cristina coroneranno il oro amore il 17 settembre 2016. Cristina studentessa di economia e Domenico esperto venditore realizzeranno […]
Friday June 10th, 2016
allestimento_CoRe_ Eventi

The Wedding  planner : she organizes  your  wedding in Catania.

The  Wedding day is special, for this reason it  must  be  organized with care. In this way the newlyweds and your guests will remember forever this […]
Friday June 10th, 2016

The picture the only one that will tell us the truth about our marriage!

Photography is a report of our emotions, especially those related to our wedding day. A photographer must be able to grasp those moments that enclose an […]
Friday May 20th, 2016

Marriage winter chic trend full of white.

Source Paper blog: The Bride Chic More and more couples are opting for this time of year for the choice of their wedding day, because it’s  […]
Sunday May 8th, 2016

Pre-wedding concerns: this is what the brides say!

The wedding day involves a responsibility for those who organize, because each couple has its own requirements. We asked a group of brides what things worries […]
Sunday May 8th, 2016

Wedding Dog Sitter for your most cuddly guest!

The dog is the preferred pet by Italians, as discovered by a research by Aida on a sample of 3,014, they would adopt all of a […]
Sunday May 8th, 2016

From a wedding with Jewish ritual : When the eyes shine in two …

It’s often said the star of marriage is you … almost always regarding to the bride . If we talk with several providers offering services to the […]

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